I went through a phase recently where I was trying out a new sandwich for lunch every day. You really never run out of options with sandwiches. It was easy because I had a month before I started my job, so I usually was just hanging around the house during lunchtime. The bf would drive over on his lunch break, I'd fix us sandwiches and he'd go back to work. How domestic of me.

Now that I'm in the working world myself it'd be pretty odd for me to grill up my favorite paninis in the office kitchen. My sandwich making obsession has thus become confined to weekends if I want to take any pictures. I live on a busy street, so taking pictures is a hilarious task from the start. Weekend snapshots are the most awkward. I've never received more strange looks than when I'm crouched down in my tiny entrance patio taking pictures of a plate of food. I just carry on and try to get it over with...that might explain any decrease in quality of pictures in these next few months.

This sandwich was actually one I made back at home. I only took a few pictures because it's honestly such an easy sandwich I wasn't planning on posting. However, my recent panini-less days have made me crave this more than ever. The key is the chipotle ranch as a spread. I couldn't find name brand chipotle ranch, so I grabbed Harris Teeter brand and it's still fantastic. It gives any sandwich a little kick and it complements turkey wonderfully. Ah, to have this sandwich sitting in front of me right now. Make it. I'm living vicariously through all of you on this one!

Chipotle Turkey Bacon Avocado Sandwich (this name should probably be shortened)
Makes two sandwiches

4 slices good quality bread*
2 slices pepperjack or havarti cheese (depending on whether you want the heat)
1 tomato, sliced (you probably will not use the whole thing)
4 pieces of cooked bacon
3 tbs Chipotle Ranch Dressing
1 Haas avocado, sliced
4oz thinly sliced turkey breast

Softened butter for bread

*You need a thicker slice to hold all of the ingredients well. The pre-sliced bakery selections are ideal, but any brand with substantial sized slices is fine. Just don't try to go for the 45 calorie slice on this one.

Cook bacon to your liking, being sure to make it on the crispy side so it gives a good crunch to the sandwich. I personally like to make bacon lattices for sandwiches, but I realize a bacon lattice is the epitome of the American obesity issue. Just go for a jog beforehand. Or make your boring bacon. Good bacon is good bacon.

Slather one side of each piece of bread with butter. Spread two of the pieces with the Chipotle Ranch Dressing on the other side. You can spread this on generously since you are not adding mayo or any other condiments. Next, add a few avocado slices to each sandwich. Continue to layer on the ingredients, moving on to the cheese, turkey, tomatoes and finally the prepared bacon. Top each sandwich "tower" with the other slice of bread, butter side up.

Place in a pan over medium heat, flipping once brown for each side. Press down lightly with spatula to make the sandwich ingredients come together while you are cooking. Slice and enjoy!


Julie E said... @ July 12, 2012 at 1:06 AM

This sandwich sounds awesome and I'm totally hungry and going to snack. Great recipe, thanks for sharing.

Jenna said... @ July 13, 2012 at 7:57 AM

this recipe looks so good and filling. definitely going to give it a try this weekend - thanks!

Sammantha said... @ July 19, 2012 at 2:16 PM

This looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing!

Stop by and say hi sometime!

Sarah said... @ July 26, 2012 at 12:23 PM

That's the problem with browsing food blogs hungry--the pictures always make me want to snack too!

Sarah said... @ July 26, 2012 at 12:24 PM

Thanks, Jenna! I hope you got the chance to try it out.

Sarah said... @ July 26, 2012 at 12:25 PM

Thanks - I'll definitely do that!

Dating Apps Bristol said... @ January 30, 2025 at 9:22 AM

This sounds like an incredibly delicious and satisfying lunch.

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